J. Phillip White
J. Phillip White
J. Phillip White is something of a magician. Wielding a pen knife in lieu of a wand, he conjures up complex coded illustrations; compelling and powerful photomontage compositions out of not-so-thin air. Reaching into the journalistic, as well as the advertising side of print world imagery, White culls photos from hundreds of discarded magazines, dissects them, and then recombines them to create new and brilliant scenes of cleverly mixed metaphors and mystical significance. Recycling images removed from their original contexts and juxtaposing them like free verse within unexpected realms, against alien skies, White creates a plane of altered reality wherein the mind takes intuitive leaps in order to make sense of what the eye sees. These leaps of imagination result in new symbols and new concepts born within us, insights into our own souls and renewed awareness of the world around us..- Jennifer Schultz - Flagpole Magazine